Appreciating our Military, Police, EMS, Fire and Rescue…
A hero in the line of duty, your uniform is a symbol of everything you stand for… dedication, courage and valor. You serve our country abroad and on our home front, living up to those standards and going beyond without a moment’s hesitation.

We understand the sacrifices our military, police, firefighters and rescue workers make every day, whether you are putting your life in danger to keep others safe or traveling far from home just to do your job. Your efforts are more than appreciated and we offer you a special rate to help you enjoy that precious off-duty time and thank you for allowing us to assist your family member in their pursuit of playing at the next level. You dedicate your lives to your cause, now let us give you a chance to dedicate a little time to yourself.
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, active duty and retired military are eligible.
Police, Fire and Rescue
Active and retired Police officers, Fire and Rescue are eligible.