(833) 315-8989

Sports Management and Athletic Recruiting!

Do Not Get Left Behind

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There are 482,740 student-athletes playing high school baseball and 362,038 playing high school softball, according to the 2019 NCAA statistics. Only 7.5 percent will continue to play baseball and 5.6 percent will play softball in college.


Thousands of student athletes who are excellent college prospects, but get left out of scholarship opportunities because they do not understand the college recruiting process.

Are you receiving letters and questionnaires from college coaches…

Have you registered with the NCAA or NAIA eligibility center…

Are you academically eligible to be recruited for college sports…

Do you really know where you are in the process…

Invested time and money training at an academy to be a better athlete…

Still not being recruited, despite your best effort…

Let us help you setup the best and most likely avenues to GET RECRUITED NOW!


How Are We Different…


Bird Dog Scout ® programs work for the prospective student athletes who want the best exposure to college coaches. Our programs are based on what coaches are recruiting, the five tools of baseball, player traits and player trends.


We know what college coaches are looking for in a student athlete and we stay in contact with our clients. We understand the recruiting process and focus on our four basic principles of recruiting, academic eligibility, athletic ability, social aspects and financial responsibility.


Cost of Service compared to others; 1/3 less cost than competitors, one-time fee

Verified updates via handheld, mobile device for High School Coaches and Academy Instructors

College Coach and Scout needs for initial evaluation using 5 tools, traits and trends of a player

Focus is a relationship with the High School Coaches, Travel Coaches, and Academies

Prospect Scouting Report or Resume for Coaches

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